I interrupted my work on the VK gloves to whip off a Garterlac dishcloth as a stocking stuffer for my mother-in-law. I love that pattern; it's interesting, great for striped dishcloth cotton, and uses up almost exactly one of the 42g balls of Bernat handicrafter cotton (worsted weight). I used my US7 needles from my Boye Needlemaster set, and worked a crochet edge and loop around it.

Here's an update on the gauntlets (still working on #1):

I'm adding extra length in the fingers - 2 rows in the thumb, and we'll see how much I need to add for the fingers. I may also need to add some for the hand length. (I have long hands.) I bought an extra set of #6 DPNs rather than have to juggle with stitch holders when I work on the fingers.
Sadly, I sent off my presents to my Mum and brother without getting photos of them. They're not likely to read my blog, but still I hesitated about posting them before Christmas, which is why I delayed (bad me! spanky!). My Mum is getting a modified Coronet, size large, with a slit up the back for her hair (she wears her hair up) made from 2 balls of Estelle 100% Silk in plum tweed. My brother is getting a pair of socks using my basic sock recipe, and Medium Stitch 7 from p.180 of Knitting Stitches by Mary Webb. I added purl stitches between the cable part and the rest to make a 19 stitch repeat. His socks are made from Lang Jawoll in a medium to light blue.
Wool-Tyme is discontinuing Estelle 100% Silk :( Yarn Forward used to but no longer carries it as well :( I wonder if the yarn itself is being discontinued by the mill; too bad, because it's great for people who are allergic to wool. I went to Wool-Tyme yesterday and bought 15 balls in a forest green tweed, which should be enough for the Sunrise Circle jacket by Kate Gilbert (Interweave Knits). I calculated 13.6 balls, so 15 should be enough. (Sorry for the slightly blurry image, but you get the idea.)

I'm not sure whether the 115 on the balls refers to the colour or to the dye lot; here's hoping there isn't a horrible change of colour between balls.
Finally, I ordered some Orenburg Lace (80% kid mohair, 20% silk laceweight) in the colour Midnight from Discontinued Brand Name Yarns, "handspun in Russia for your knitting pleasure" from Cherry Tree Hill. I think that it'll become a Swallowtail or some such :) It's hard to see because the yarn is so dark, but it's lovely, 50g worth. It's a black with glints of purple and brown.

Whee! More yarn! I'm trying very hard to NOT build up a stash, but when yarn appears that's just perfect for something I'd been thinking of making, AND is on sale, it's soooo hard to resist :)
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